Warmer weather is just around the corner, and with that comes time to swim in your pool! As professional swimming pool contractors, the team at Carlton Pools has a few tips on how to get your home’s pool ready for spring!
Scrub Algae
Algae isn’t something that people want to swim in, and removing it from the water is an important first step. What you may not realize is that algae can cause damage to your pool’s equipment and walls. Bacteria and algae both begin to grow at temperatures higher than 60 degrees, so cleaning this up needs to happen faster than many pool owners think.
Check Your Chemicals and Supplies
Having a maintenance and cleaning contract with our professional swimming pool company in Lehigh County can help with keeping your pool free of algae and bacteria and ensure that your pool’s chemicals are balanced. However, there may be times where you’ll have to do some of the cleaning and water treatment yourself, so make sure that you have a skimmer, chemicals, and testing kits ready, just in case.
Fill to the Correct Water Level
Your pool has likely dropped in water level over the course of the winter. Before you start balancing the chemicals, fill your pool to the correct level.
Clean the Pool
Remove the sticks, leaves, twigs, and other debris with a skimmer. Then, vacuum the pool to pick up whatever debris you weren’t able to with the skimmer. Don’t forget to clean out the skimmer baskets and backwash. You may also need to check your filter cartridge and purchase another if need be. Once that’s done, brush the walls and bottom of the pool with a stiff brush, taking care to get under the coping and into all the nooks and crannies. While you’re cleaning, it’s a great time to check for signs of cracks or other damage.
Book Your Pool Cleaning Service Today!
If all this seems like too much work, you have options. The team at Carlton Pools offers affordable cleaning and preventative maintenance services for pools of all shapes and sizes. Plus, our expert technicians can check for small problems with your equipment or cracks and damage to the pool itself, allowing you to fix them before they cause a lot of damage. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!